In this captivating and daring Alicia and the Curse of Climax app, embark on an extraordinary adventure alongside the fearless heroine, Alicia. As she endeavors to vanquish the treacherous Demon King, a sinister twist of fate leaves her with an indelible mark on her abdomen. Suddenly, even the slightest touch of her clothes sends her into intense pleasure. Determined to remove the cursed ring causing this affliction, Alicia's priorities shift when she realizes she won't be able to marry her fiancé without it. With the help of a priest and their prayers, they strive to break the curse, but Alicia's uncontrollable climax during the ritual forces her to seek an alternative solution. Now, join Alicia as she embarks on a thrilling quest to retrieve stolen holy water from cunning thieves, hoping to finally liberate herself from this tantalizing curse.
* Exciting storyline: Follow Alicia's journey as she battles the Demon King and tries to break the curse on her body.
* Unique curse concept: Experience the challenge of a curse called the "climax crest" that makes Alicia incredibly sensitive to even the slightest touch.
* Engaging characters: Get to know Alicia, her fiancé, and the priest as they try to find a solution to her curse.
* Action-packed gameplay: Join Alicia on her quest to exterminate the thieves who stole the holy water she needs to break the curse.
* Strategic decision-making: Help Alicia make choices and overcome obstacles to recover the stolen holy water and defeat the thieves.
* Immersive graphics: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning world filled with demons, magic, and thrilling battles.
Embark on a captivating journey filled with excitement, curses, and determination in this unique RPG game. Join Alicia as she fights to break the curse and save her future marriage. With an engaging storyline, action-packed gameplay, and immersive graphics, this app promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Will you help Alicia recover the stolen holy water and defeat the thieves? Download Alicia and the Curse of Climax now to find out!
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