In the futuristic world of I.C.O., civilization has retreated underground to escape the mysterious I.C.O. threat, leaving the surface to be ruled by chaos. Players follow the journey of Judah Bishop, a young sea otter who joins the Feral military to fight against the dominating I.C.O. forces. The game, drawing inspiration from popular anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Attack on Titan, offers a blend of intense battles, strategic decisions, and heart-pounding danger. With its unique furry characters and captivating storyline, the game promises to deliver a fresh and exciting experience in the visual novel gaming genre.
Dive into a futuristic world overrun by mysterious entities known as the I.C.O.
Join the Ferals, a military branch dedicated to combating the I.C.O. threat.
Experience thrilling battles, strategic challenges, and dangerous situations.
Play as Judah Bishop, a young sea otter navigating this new world of chaos.
Enjoy an anime-inspired storyline, drawing inspiration from popular series like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Attack on Titan.
Immerse yourself in a fresh and unique furry visual novel gaming experience.
If you're looking for an engaging and action-packed gaming experience with a unique furry twist, look no further than this new game by I.C.O. Games. Download now and dive into a world of adventure!
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