Bubbles and Sisters is a heartwarming adult visual novel that takes you on a journey to save your father's bath house business. Set in a beautiful mountainous location with quirky guests, you'll rely on your step family and other employees to keep the business thriving. This game offers a unique blend of romance, mystery, and magic, with plenty of steamy encounters along the way. Say goodbye to tedious grinding and stats - in this game, it's all about exploration and storytelling. With a fast travel map and in-game guide, you'll never get lost as you navigate through this charming and engaging world.
Adult sandbox visual novel with a warm and lighthearted atmosphere.
Meet the girls, explore the bath house, and save your father's business while enjoying lots of sex.
No grind, no stats, no mini-games - simple tasks do not require energy.
Fast travel map for quick navigation to different locations.
In-game guide to help you navigate and avoid getting lost.
Sandbox mode allows you to pick which characters to interact with and in what order.
Bubbles and Sisters offers a unique adult visual novel experience with a focus on storytelling, exploration, and decision-making. With fun gameplay mechanics and a charming setting, this app is sure to provide hours of entertainment for those looking for a light-hearted adventure. Click to download now and embark on a memorable journey at the bath house!
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