IDN App - Baca Berita Terkini APK

IDN App - Baca Berita Terkini

Version: 6.43.0
129.72MB 4


Say goodbye to boring news reading with the IDN App - Baca Berita Terkini App! This app is the ultimate source for all the latest and most interesting news, specially curated for millennials and Gen Z. With over 60 million monthly readers on its website, IDN has become the favorite of young people everywhere. What sets it apart is its trustworthiness - you won't find any hoaxes here! As a news aggregator, it sources its articles from trusted media outlets within its network. But IDN doesn't stop at just news - it also offers thrilling entertainment with its IDN Live feature. You can watch your favorite streamers, gaming superstars, and even members of JKT48 live in action. And here's the best part - you can become a streamer yourself! Simply send a golden ticket virtual gift to a live streamer and you could be selected to become a streamer for 24 hours. With personalized news feeds and the ability to share articles with your friends, it ensures that you never miss out on the latest and trending news.

Features of IDN App - Baca Berita Terkini:

- Trusted News Aggregator: The App sources its news from reliable media networks, ensuring accurate and high-quality articles.

- Live Streaming Entertainment: With IDN Live, users can enjoy live streams from their favorite gaming streamers, JKT48 members, and more.

- Become a Streamer: Users can also become live streamers by sending a virtual gift to a streamer and gaining access to the live room for 24 hours.

- Personalized News Feed: The app offers a personalized news feed, allowing users to stay up-to-date with the latest and trending news in various categories.

- Comprehensive Categories: From parenting tips to sports news, from tech updates to health information, the IDN App covers a wide range of topics to cater to every user's interests.

- Up-to-date and Diverse Content: The app provides the most recent and diverse news updates, including regional news, sports highlights, technology reviews, and entertainment news like K-pop and K-dramas.


The IDN App - Baca Berita Terkini App is the ultimate all-in-one news and entertainment platform that caters to the needs and interests of the Millennial and Gen Z generations. With its trusted news sources, live streaming entertainment, personalization features, comprehensive categories, and up-to-date content, the App offers a captivating experience for users. Join it today to be part of the positive change in the Indonesian youth generation. Click here to download the app now!

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