Alfardan Exchange-MyBookQatar is your ultimate money-saving solution in Qatar. With hundreds of Buy1Get1FREE offers, this app ensures that you never pay full price again. From food and beverage to fine dining, cafes, theme parks, staycations, salons, spas, fitness centers, and more, this app has got you covered. Enjoy discounts on fast food, gourmet dining, buffets, and even delivery. Have a blast with amazing deals on theme parks, fast karts, and other leisure activities. Pamper yourself with top spa and salon offers. Stay fit with gym and fitness studio discounts. Treat yourself to the best hotels in Qatar with great deals. Save on services like laundry, cleaning, car care, and medical and cosmetic treatments. With features like a map to discover new favorites, the ability to share your membership with others, and the ability to track your savings in real-time, you can't go wrong with the Alfardan Exchange My Book App.
- Hundreds of Buy1Get1FREE offers: The app offers a wide range of exclusive deals and discounts on various categories such as food & beverage, dining, leisure activities, beauty & spa, health & fitness, staycations, and services & retail. Users can save up to QR 6,000 per year by taking advantage of these offers.
- Dining: Users can enjoy offers on fast food, gourmet dining, buffets, brunches, and even coffee. The app also provides discounts on delivery, making it a convenient option for those who don't feel like cooking.
- Fun & Leisure: The app offers amazing deals on theme parks, fast karts, and various adventures. Users can have more fun for less with a wide selection of discounts at leisure zones and activities for both family and friends.
- Beauty & Spa: Users can pamper themselves with money-saving offers at top spas and salons in Qatar. The app provides a variety of options to choose from to ensure a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
- Health &Fitness: The app offers discounts on gyms and fitness studios, making it easier for users to kick off a new workout routine. There are different membership options available, including the opportunity to buy one month and get the next one month free. Users can also find offers on pool day passes and more.
- Staycations: Users can treat themselves to some of the best hotels across Qatar with great deals on room nights and dining. The app provides an opportunity to have a luxurious and affordable staycation experience.
Alfardan Exchange-MyBookQatar is a must-have for anyone looking to save money while enjoying various activities and services in Qatar. With its extensive range of buy one get one free offers, users can save up to QR 6,000 per year on food & beverage, dining, leisure activities, beauty & spa, health & fitness, staycations, and services & retail. The app also provides a user-friendly map feature to discover new favorites in Qatar, the ability to track savings in real-time, and exclusive access granted by Alfardan Exchange to selected customers. Don't miss out on these incredible deals - click to download the app now!