Welcome to NIB Paraná! This app is designed to enhance the relationship between the church and its members or visitors. With this app, you can easily register as a member, visitor, or guest, and manage your own group or ministry. You can find a group near your home, keep track of attendance, and stay updated on upcoming meetings. Additionally, you can organize and participate in various events and access weekly meditations. Connect with other church members and stay informed through the wall of messages. Update your profile information and make prayer requests. Never miss a service or event with the comprehensive agenda feature. Download our official app now and experience the full benefits of being a part of New Cascavel Baptist Church!
> Registration of Members, Visitors, and Guests: Easily register and keep track of members, visitors, and guests of the church.
> Management of G.A - GROUPS OF FRIENDS, Disciples, Ministries: Efficiently manage various groups within the church, such as groups of friends, disciples, and ministries.
> Finding a G.A. close to your home: Discover and join a G.A. (group of friends) conveniently located near your home.
> Indicate new participants: Easily invite and introduce new participants to church events and activities.
> Attendance record and group reports: Keep track of attendance for participants and effortlessly fill out group reports.
> Communication and notifications: Stay updated with the latest church news and communicate with other people in the church through the Wall of Messages.
Download NIB Paraná now to enhance your connection with the church community. With a range of features such as member registration, group management, event organization, communication channels, and access to church content, this app provides a seamless and convenient way to stay connected and engaged with the church. Join New Cascavel Baptist Church – A Family to Belong and experience the benefits of our app today.