Learn the secret to using articles in English with the Полиглот. Английские артикли app. This unique app offers a game-like learning methodology that will teach you when to use the indefinite article "a", when to use the definite article "the", and when it is better to omit the article altogether. With just 10-15 minutes a day, you can improve your understanding of English articles. The app presents simple expressions in Russian and prompts you to provide the English translation. If you answer correctly, you'll be praised, and if you make a mistake, you'll be given the correct answer. Score 4.5 points in each lesson to unlock the next one. Whether you're using a tablet or a phone with a large screen, this app is optimized for both. If you're new to learning English, consider starting with the app's "Polyglot. Basic Course" before diving into the articles. Check out our VKontakte group for more information.
⭐️ Learn the secret of using articles in English: The App provides a unique learning methodology to help users understand when to use the indefinite article "a," when to use the definite article "the," and when it is better to do without an article.
⭐️ Easy game form: The learning process is presented in the form of an easy game, making it engaging and enjoyable.
⭐️ Short time commitment: Users can learn English in just 10-15 minutes a day, allowing flexibility in their schedule.
⭐️ Variety of lessons: The App offers a list of classes that cover different aspects of article usage, including the opposition between "A" and "THE," "THE" and zero article, "A" and zero article, and proper names.
⭐️ Interactive learning: Users are presented with simple expressions in Russian, and they need to translate them into English. The program provides instant feedback by praising correct answers and prompting the correct answer for incorrect ones.
⭐️ Progress tracking: Users need to score 4.5 points in each lesson to unlock the next one. The program calculates points based on the number of correct answers, encouraging users to consistently improve their knowledge.
The unique methodology, presented in an easy game form, helps users understand the usage of articles accurately. By dedicating just a few minutes a day, users can make progress in their English skills. Moreover, the interactive nature of the App and the ability to track progress provide a motivating learning experience. Enhance your English skills by downloading the Полиглот. Английские артикли App now!